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Social Media Management


The power of engagement


Image by airwebsolutions


Why do you think people buy from some brands and not from others?

People usually buy from companies they trust and like. They would rather buy from brands that they know and engage with on a regular basis.

To establish this rapport is a key principle behind social media marketing. 

How do we establish this connection with our audience you ask?

Well for starters, companies must create and promote their valuable content in a place where humans spend so many hours a day on and that place is on social media platforms. 

What’s all the fuss about?

Don’t go crying to anyone when your sales aren’t what they are supposed to be. 

Taking the old-school route and not establishing your presence on social media platforms does more harm than good. 

Consumers are way more likely to buy from you when they engage with you on social media platforms.

So, what is it?

Social media management is the process of crafting, publishing, promoting, monitoring, engaging, and growing a community of consumers and influencers while analyzing the results of these efforts across social media channels. 


The power of a like and frequency

Crafting valuable content that people want to see and hear triggers a powerful emotional response within consumers and this ends up with consumers giving you a thumbs up or a like. The more frequently you are able to do this, the higher the chances are of consumers liking, trusting, and inevitably buying from you. 

Take a look at this video that encapsulates the power of social media management. What is social Media Management

Where do I begin?

I know what you’re thinking. So many platforms to choose from right? 

Well the idea is to engage with the consumer on all top social media platforms so that no one is untapped. 

There are off course instances where your consumers are women only. In such cases, Pinterest would be your go-to platform as more women use Pinterest than men. 

Gaining significant insight through research helps you establish where your audience is before you move resources into action. 

Where and what?

Weaving content that is interconnected but not necessarily similar on social media platforms establishes a brand image and ensures your consumers are thinking about you.

Also, your presence on reputed social media platforms means that consumers will have no opportunity to escape laying eyes on your brand. 

Unless, of course, they don’t use social media. Highly unlikely.


Image by Shopify


The graph above speaks volumes. It is a definite gold mine if your content reaches even a tiny percent of this overall audience. 

The bottom Line

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are avenues where you can make a huge difference to your company and how people view your brand. Establishing a great social media presence can also help drive external traffic to your Amazon storefront via platforms like Facebook.

Are you keen on a social media presence that makes a difference? ensures your brand taps into the true potential of social media platforms by ensuring massive ROI’s.

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